Wednesday, August 12, 2009


One Genetics final. One Biochemistry final. One intruder in the night. One curriculum for church next fall. Road trips to Impact. Not very much sleep.

This is not a good combo for training well. So Monday and Tuesday I didn't train. Sunday I had my long run and it went really well. I felt stronger!

This morning I left for my leadership retreat at Church. We're at a "resort" that is a time-machine back to the 70s. No joke. Shag carpet, vinyl walls, and retro yard decorations complete this treasure.

Despite being tired, I went on a slow jog just to get back into things. There is a small pool outside so hopefully I'll be able to swim some tomorrow. We shall see...

Race day is only 1 month away tomorrow!!!


Organic Thinker. said...

An intruder? That could have been elaborated on...

One month is going to fly by. You can do it! (Even in a time warp!)