Tuesday, July 7, 2009

day 2 - glorious

This is the sky that I rode under this evening. It was truly glorious. It had just showered for a few minutes, so the air had cooled off giving me a nice breeze as I rode. The road was glistening with a thin layer of water, just enough to lightly mist my legs as I pedaled. Today was just a 6 mile ride, so it wasn't a challenge, and my backdrop made it absolutely delightful.

I was planning on waking up this morning to ride, but ended up needing that extra hour of sleep. It was worth it. I saw three other bikers on my ride, which was encouraging. It's nice to run into other people taking advantage of a beautiful night and wind in your face.

In other news, I just signed up for the race! There's no backing out now. That both excites and frightens me just a tad. I'm really doing this. Pinch me now, or just encourage me onward.

Today's training was enjoyable and uneventful. Other than one realization I had.
I really need to get me some cycling shorts with a padded seat.


Linda said...

Great picture of the wonderful job God did with that sunset! How's your hydration coming along?

Kelley said...

Just added your blog to my google reader list! Also, you prob already know about it, but just incase:
http://www.mapmyrun.com/ is amazing! Its like mapquest but you mark every little inch of your run/walk/ride and it calculates everything for you. Distance, calories, average speed, etc. It also has courses people in town frequently run.

Kelley said...

P.s. "kiki" is Kelley ;)

Unknown said...

This tri-training is just further evidence that you are in fact a CIA secret agent. :) HaHa! Nice pic by the way!