Monday, July 20, 2009

texas heat.

Well, my day off was yesterday, so I'm back to it today. Saturday, however, I had the brilliant idea of running at 12 noon. It didn't feel too hot when I stepped outside, and there were some trees in the neighborhood that I was planning to run in. Worst idea of my life. It was as if the sun knew that I was outside running and so it intensified the heat and humidity as I went, leaving me exhausted, dehydrated, and unable to get cool!

It probably didn't help that I drank a Dr. Pepper the night before...

It's amazing how your body knows what you've put in it! I felt like I was at an extreme disadvantage: one, because of the heat, but also because of the mexican food and D.P. that I had eaten. Never again. I'll stick to water, gatorade, and non-greasy food.

Non-greasy food. I can't believe I'm endorsing this.