Saturday, July 11, 2009

days 4&5

Yesterday was packed! I had two classes, lunch with Rikki since she was in town for the day, snocones in the afternoon with Amber, and then off to Houston with the college ministry of Central Baptist Church for an Astro's game, which, might I add, was quite exciting; they scored the winning run in the bottom of the 9th inning. In between all of that, I had to get in my run workout. Well, I was determined to do it, so right after class I headed to the Rec to do my 20 minute run before I went to Chipotle nice and sweaty.

Speaking of sweat, today I had my 8 mile bike ride. Unfortunately, today I also had a busy day. Getting back from an Astro's game at one in the morning isn't what I would call conducive to getting good rest. I slept in until about 10:30, and then met Pilar (a friend from high school) for lunch. She did a triathlon this spring and has continued training since then. I got a great book on Triathlon training from her, and we're going on a bike ride together this week! Finally, some company out on the road. Then I went and worked at the doctor's office from 1-7. By the time I got out and had eaten dinner, it was too late to go ride outside, so I went to the rec.

Back to the sweat. I lifted some weights and then rode the stationary bike. I was going for it. It wasn't quite the same feel as my rode bike, but I was pedaling hard, my legs chafing on the seat (not pleasant, by the way... I'm reminded again by my need for some cycling shorts!). I looked down during mile 7, and all of the sweat on my face poured down onto my bike. Wonderful. There were two guys leisurely walking on the treadmills behind me who definitely commented on the amount of sweat coming out of my body. Perfect.

Regardless, I would say that the amount of sweat was indicative of a pretty good workout. Tomorrow is my day off, and by day off, I mean I'll be working at the doctor's office from 1-7 again...


Mommy said...

Wonder Woman! I can't wait to see you! ily, Mommy