Friday, July 31, 2009

up to speed.

So the last time I posted was Monday. Today is Friday....

I definitely worked out in between there. Yesterday I couldn't because of a chemical fire in the area, so I had to evacuate and the REC was closed. So today, tomorrow, and Sunday I'm going to be hitting it extra hard. These are key weeks in training and I need to be diligent.

I guess I can't really help a chemical fire, though. I'll blog about training this weekend. Ask me how it's going if you see me! Even though I love making time for this, I need to be pushed!

I'll write more later. The only noteworthy thing that I feel like I can add here is that I'm slowly but surely radically altering my diet. I ate pizza for lunch on Tuesday with some pasta, thinking that carbs would be a good route to go. My stomach was killing me the rest of the day (a weird feeling for someone used to downing a couple of burgers at a time) and when I was swimming and lifting I barely had enough energy to do anything. I needed protein, and more complex carbohydrates without the grease.

From the many articles that I have read, it seems that I need about 60% of my diet to be from complex carbohydrates (whole grains, pastas, brown rice, root veggies, oats), 20% from protein (meat, dairy, beans), and 20% from unsaturated fats (like fish, nuts, avocados, vegetable oil). I must say that I don't really find myself craving much else. I do enjoy homemade desserts occasionally, but nothing processed and packaged.

For those of you who have known me for a while, I realize this is such a shocker, and I apologize that I am no longer the girl eating entire boxes of cinnamon sticks from dominos (yes, I did this on several occasions...and there were witnesses). That was a fun stage of life, but one that I'm afraid needed to end.